Pi-rate Demand Side Platform

As an advertiser, you can will be able to use Pi-rate DMP to build a warehouse of user data based on requests received from publishers.

As your warehouse grows, you may query against it to retarget specific users and optimise returns on your advertising budgets.

eCPC is effective cost per click in online advertising.

While CPC is the actual price for each click when buying clicks, eCPC is a carefully calculated metric that tells you what the CPC would have been if you bought clicks instead of impressions, actions, etc

Brand Advertisers

The Pi-rate Demand Side Platform has evolved to reduce the complexity involved in understanding today's diverse audiences. It has a primary focus to direct greater attention on relevant moments in the lives of its audience.

Retargeting the Visitors

We Retargeting, also known as remarketing that can help you keep your brand in front of bounced traffic after they leave your website. Only 2% of web traffic converts on the first visit for most of the Time.

Pi-rate Demand Side Platform

As an advertiser,

you can will be able to use Pi-rate DMP to build a warehouse of user data based on requests received from publishers.

As your warehouse grows, you may query against it to retarget specific users and optimise returns on your advertising budgets.

eCPC is effective cost per click in online advertising.

While CPC is the actual price for each click when buying clicks, eCPC is a carefully calculated metric that tells you what the CPC would have been if you bought clicks instead of impressions, actions, etc.

Brand Advertisers

The Pi-rate Demand Side Platform has evolved to reduce the complexity involved in understanding today's diverse audiences. It has a primary focus to direct greater attention on relevant moments in the lives of its audience.

Retargeting the Visitors

We Retargeting, also known as remarketing that can help you keep your brand in front of bounced traffic after they leave your website. Only 2% of web traffic converts on the first visit for most of the Time.


  • Transparency- Know what ad impressions you are buying.
  • Safety- Remain in control by choosing the publisher for your ad.
  • Control- Choose when, where and how you want to reach your audience.
  • Expert view- The Pi-rate trading expert Engineering team will handle
          each campaign.
  • CPC- In-house Built algorithm to run the campaign on CPC.

Pi-rate Demand Side Platform has evolved to reduce the complexity involved in understanding today's diverse audiences.

Focus: more on relevant moments in audience Lives

Transparency: Know what Ad impression you are buying

Safety: Remain in control by choosing the publisher for the Ad.

CPC: In House Build Algorithm to run the campaign on CPC.