Publisher’s Internationalé Pty Ltd
Frequently Asked Questions-
Question: What is your privacy policy? Will my details be shared with anyone else?
Answer: You may review our privacy policy from our page or by clicking on the link: Pi-rate Privacy & Policy.
Question: What does subscribe mean?
Answer: You subscribe by providing your email addresses to the Pi-rate team through our website. The Pi-rate team will keep you updated on the latest
in digital marketing through newsletters, latest promotions and offers from our team.
Question: How do I register to start using the platform?
Answer: You may click on the orange circle towards the right side on our website header and then click on register now to register as a
new user. You may also call our team on +61 2 9252 3476.
Question: How do I login to start my campaigns?
Answer: You may login only if you are a registered user. You may click on the orange circle towards the right side on our website header
and login using your Username and password.
You may use "Lost your password" if you have forgotten your password. You may also call our team on +61 2 9252 3476 if you are facing any other issues.